This page is a brief summary of the past few year's antenna experiments. A collection of the pictures of various projects of which I did not forget to take photos before tearing them down to start building something new.
The first one here below is a six element monobander for 15m. I built it for the 2010 WW DX CW Contest and was also used in the 2011 WPX CW. I built actually two of them for simultaneous multidirectional beaming, but before the start of the WW it turned out that there is not enough coax to reach the shack with both antennas... This antenna was bringing me to EU 4. in both contests.
The following set of pictures are showing the installation and tuning of the W6PU design 4L dual driven monoband quad for 20 meters. I built it during the spring of 2009. Building a large quad has been a dream of mine since I got in touch with ham radio. It was planned to be operated during the 2010 ARRL International DX CW contest. I built it at my tiny home QTH, and worked several US west coast stations with only 100W before on a windy day in mid May the antenna mast fell onto my neighbour's garden toolcrib... The wire elements are kept safely, but the structure has never been rebuilt again.

The below one shows the 5L monoband wire Yagi that was built for the 2010 ARRL DX CW (after breaking the quad). It was a 10m boom design with logcell driven elements. I have used it during the 2010 IARU HF World Championships as well besides the HyGain TH3MKV tribander.
This is my latest home brew antenna, a 4L longboom monoband Yagi for 20m (based on the specs of OH8LQ). I built it right before the 2012 ARRL DX CW. Without extensive tests I managed to achieve a world 5. Eu 4. with this one. I keep using it for contesting since then as a secondary beam besides the KT36XA tribander.
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